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Fuel efficiency and CO2 emissions of biomass based haulage in Ireland - A case study




The purpose of this study was to analyse how biomass based haulage in Ireland performed as a measure of efficiency under 4 main criteria; distance travelled, fuel consumption, fuel consumption per unit of biomass hauled and diesel CO2 emissions. The applicability of truck engine diagnostic equipment was tested to analyse the schedule of engine data that could be recorded in real-time from a 5 axle articulated biomass truck. This identified how new on board truck technology in Ireland could be used to monitor data in real-time, specifically fuel consumption, litre/km, litre/ton and distance to allow for informed analysis of how efficient new biomass trucking operations currently are in Ireland. Fleet Management System (FMS) monitoring systems are a relatively new technology in biomass and log transport in Ireland. They are more common place in the food supply chain with refrigerated units travelling across continental Europe where food temperature and truck movements are controlled data from a central dispatch. A GPS asset tracking monitoring system was also installed on the truck over the test period to record trip log data. The BT (biomass truck) was a 5 axle, 2004 DAF XF Euro III 430hp 4*2. Initial results showed that for the BT, the average daily fuel consumption varied from 0.23 L/km to 0.47 L/km. The thresholds of travelled distance were between 20.92 km and 434.91 km respectively with average fuel consumption per tonnage of woodchips of 0.16 L/ton and 5.68 L/ton. When the total daily distance is limited to 1 load within 200 km roundtrip versus 1 load at approximately 400 km trip, the % difference in logistic cost (€/T) is 56%. Delivering 2 loads per 400 km trip shows a 5.4% decrease in logistic costs versus the Trip 1 scenario confirming the increased efficiency of a more localised transport approach. A maximum percentage difference in costs of 45% that exists between a 2 load and 1 load trip occurs for Trip 22 and Trip 5 but this increases to 72% when analysing for 2 load versus 1 load for distances over 400 km. Trip 7 and 12 are both below 50 km and seem to be the exception and to compare could possibly show an element of distortion. The closest logistic cost to Trip 12 is Trip 5 with 113% higher costs confirming how a 50 km roundtrip can impact significantly on lowering biomass transport costs.
机译:这项研究的目的是分析爱尔兰基于生物质的运输如何在4个主要标准下作为效率的衡量标准。行进距离,燃料消耗,每拖运生物量的燃料消耗和柴油的CO2排放量。测试了卡车发动机诊断设备的适用性,以分析可从5轴铰接式生物质卡车实时记录的发动机数据的时间表。这确定了爱尔兰如何使用新的车载卡车技术实时监视数据,特别是燃料消耗,升/公里,升/吨和距离,从而可以对爱尔兰目前新的生物质卡车运营效率进行知情分析。 。车队管理系统(FMS)监视系统是爱尔兰生物质和原木运输中的一种相对较新的技术。它们在食品供应链中更常见,冷藏柜在整个欧洲大陆旅行,那里的食物温度和卡车移动是来自中央调度员的受控数据。在测试期间,卡车上还安装了GPS资产跟踪监控系统,以记录行程日志数据。 BT(生物质能卡车)是5轴,2004 DAF XF欧III 430hp 4 * 2。初步结果显示,对于BT,平均每日燃料消耗量从0.23 L / km到0.47 L / km不等。行进距离的阈值分别在20.92 km和434.91 km之间,每吨木片的平均油耗为0.16 L /吨和5.68 L /吨。如果每天的总距离限制为往返200 km之内的1个负载与大约400 km的行程中的1个负载,则物流成本(€/ T)的百分比差异为56%。每趟400公里的行程要交付2个负载,与“行程1”场景相比,物流成本降低了5.4%,这证实了更加本地化的运输方式的效率提高。对于行程22和行程5,在2个负载和1个负载行程之间存在最大成本差异百分比为45%,但是当分析2个负载与1个负载之间的距离超过400 km时,成本差异增加到72%。行程7和12都在50公里以下,这似乎是个例外,进行比较可能会显示出失真的情况。与第12次行程最接近的物流成本是第5次行程,成本增加了113%,这证实了50公里的往返行程将如何对降低生物质运输成本产生重大影响。



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